Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Day 16 (Jan 4) - Madison
Monday was another slow day. The kids are back at school, her husband was at work, and Becky has a lot of research to do for her upcoming trip to UK, so she's busy as well. Midday, we started working on kid #3's new dresser. I was sanding it while Becky went out to buy paints for it. When she got back we did the primer for it.

A couple days ago, someone mentioned a musical genre that was new to me, dubstep. I found some songs on youtube such as stuff from Mt Eden Dubstep and Snoop Dogg Millionaire. Officially loving the sound of this stuff!

Day 17 (Jan 5) - Madison
Same deal as the day before. Becky had to work and the kids were at school. Becky went to the mall to take care of some stuff, so I went to pick up the kids from school when they were done. Their school was small and friendly. It's been so long before I'd been in an elementary school before. They wanted to show me off to their teachers and stuff. It's so cute when they introduce me to people "This is our couchsurfer!". I love that.

At night, Becky and I went to a Couchsurfing meetup at the restaurant Africana. Only two other guys showed up, Jason and Mo, but that was fine. They were cool guys. At some point during dinner, I must have had an allergic reaction to the sauce my chicken was in, because my throat started closing up. It wasn't that bad, but I was still worried because we were going to karaoke afterwards, and I was really excited to get up and sing my song.

We got to GOMERoke right around 9pm, and I signed up for my song "Baby Got Back". The girl at the sign up table told me to ask them if they could do it because it wasn't on the band's songlist. So I went up to the keyboardist, who's quite literally insane, of the Gomers, and asked him if it was cool. He said it was fine, and they'd add some riffs to my rapping. The band is really great, but from what I saw last time, the keyboardist is definitely my favorite. He's so funny on stage, and knows how to give a really great show.

I was up 4th. I was really excited to go because "Baby Got Back" is a song I know like the back of my hand and I could kill it. The only thing was that I was performing in front of the rock and country crowd, and there isn't a single hip hop song on their entire playlist. As soon as I started, people began coming to the dancefloor and it pumped me up even more. After I finished, I came down and got my free drink ticket because everyone who sings got a free drink. A bunch of people shook my hand, and one girl even gave me a hug. I felt great!

Also, I started my 2010 travels map. A little bare now, but I'm still only one week into January! Here's 2010. Save it to follow along with my travels =) Oh, and here's 2009 for those who wonder what I was up to then.

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