Wednesday, December 30, 2009

leading up to the new year....

Day 11 (Dec 30) - Chicago
Becky, the kids (+ cousins), Becky's mom, and I went to Chinatown to check it out. It looks kind of like the one in Philly except it's got more pagodas and cooler architecture. Our arch is better though! We walked around buying little knick-knacks for the kids, then went to this restaurant that is popular in the area. You could tell, because the line was out the door. It took a bit to get seated since there was 8 of us, but lunch was really good.

On the way back to Becky's mom's place, I got a message from Jessie to come to Granville station which was only two stops past Becky's on the red line. She told me to meet her at Metropolis Cafe, which is supposed to be one of the best in Chicago. After some tea, we went to do some more house hunting!

__House#5: A and her roommate live in a place similar to the girls from the previous day, except this house was sort of perfect. Exactly what Jessie's been looking for, except a little out of her price range. A is a grad student, and does art in her free time. She converted the basement into a studio for art, and there's also a laundry in the house so she wouldn't have to run around trying to find one. Alas, they also wanted someone for January 1, which is too early for her.
__House#6: J's place was pretty cool, but seemed more like a chill pad, and not a live pad. They had 4 rooms and 2 living rooms, so it gave the illusion of having more room than it did. It was all guys who lived there, and the place didn't seem like it was being taken care of at all. The bathroom was filthy, and the toilet seat was even split in two. As we walked out, a rat ran past us on the street, and we knew this place was no good.

Afterwards, we returned to the Flat Iron for a little bit, and went to eat dinner at Earwax. They asked us if we wanted a booth or to sit under the monkey, so of course we chose under the monkey. Dinner was really delicious. On our way out, one of the waiters stopped us, and said "We have something for you", and handed us a container. Inside was the cutest cupcake ever! We went Myopic, a cool bookstore across the street and ate our cupcake while reading books.


Day 10
Yesterday, Tuesday, was tons of fun!

I got up bright and early myself, and went down to Hyde Park around the University of Chicago. I saw Obama's Chicago residence, or at least the tiny bit of it not covered by tall trees. There was security as well, so I couldn't get close to it. I went to the Oriental Institute Museum, which has an amazing collection of stuff from the ancient Near East (Babylonians, Persians, Nubians, Egyptians, etc..). Afterwards, I was just walking around campus and the parks around it when my friend Jessie called me back. I stayed with her last time I was in Chicago, and we had tons of fun, so I knew no matter what we did, it would be tons of fun again.

I took the train to where she lived, then we took her car to apartment hunting. She got these people off Craigslist, and was hoping to get something around Logan Square. All the houses we went to see were pretty "interesting" in their own ways.
__House #1: We went to see T first who was a single (not otherwise relevent, except he kept mentioning it in email to Jessie) man in his 30s, who had a super nice apartment that he designed himself. He was a bit intense and neurotic, and his laugh was ....... interesting. Jessie decided that she probably couldn't share a living space with someone like that, and we moved on to the next house.
__House #2: Next house was inhabited by P and T, two guys who promised that if they had a girl living with them, their place would be more clean. Both of them were stoners. The place was very bare, and the guys were more someone you'd want to party with than live with. The verdict was in: NO WAY.]
__House #3: This house gave out lots of bad vibes before we even went inside. Jessie's phone died, there was no free parking on the street, and there was a gate on the front that had no door bell so we had to scream hoping they would hear us. Somehow luckily, they did and came down and let us in. T and M were two girls who were still in college, but didn't want to live in dorms. Their place was very cute, and they seemed like two girls, but that place just called out NO to us for some reason. We moved on....
__House #4: This house had a SUPER CHEAP ROOM. It was very close to Logan Square. In fact, we were at a gas station charging our cellphones when they called Jessie, and we were ONLY A BLOCK AWAY. It was the first good sign. It was also very close to Jessie's friend's house, which was sign #2. The inside was a definite fixer upper, but for $215 a month before utilities, I would totally take that then go wild at Ikea if it were me. Before house #3, we went to this cafe on Logan Square, New Wave Coffee, and one of the roommates at house #4 was in one of the photos from the exhibit at the cafe. I asked if it was her, and she said yes! Sign #3 that it was good. They also had a roommate named "Release" who was Mexican as we were told, and lived in a space behind the fridge that was covered by some wood panels and a big lock on it. Everything we heard about this guy from the other roommates was pretty legendary. Seems they had 5 people living there, and 2 were moving out, so they needed 2 more. Basically, the only bad things were that the roommates seemed a little too dirty (not them personally, their living space), the place seemed a bit shady with the law, and she didn't know if she could trust her valuables there. Anyways, if it were me, I'd wanna live there for a few months, just for the experience!

After all that, we went to the exhibit opening at this one Japanese restaurant for an artist Jessie was interning for. We got some free sushi and free drinks, then after a few hours went back to their place. They live in this building that's full of art studios, and some people just rent studios and others live there. Jessie's friend was working on something in one of the other studios, so we visited him for a few hours. Jessie painted a bit, and I mixed her paints for her. I got back to Becky's parents' around 1:15am.

A GOOD DAY! Can't wait to see Jessie again today.

Monday, December 28, 2009


Day 8
Sunday morning, we woke up bright and early, but we weren't packed and out of the house til about 1pm. It's a little difficult with the kids too. So Becky, the kids, and I set off for Chicago via Milwaukee.

In Milwaukee we stopped at the Milwaukee Art Museum. The building (click here) itself is stunning, and has wings that open and close at various times of the day. We went there to see the Warhol exhibit, where they were showcasing his non-commercial stuff. I really loved his stuff, and rest of the museum had great pieces as well.

After that, we continued on and arrived in Highland Park, IL around 6pm. Every year, Becky and her family go to Fuddruckers in Highland Park for dinner. It was a bit awkward at first, but I'd met a lot of the family members before, so it was ok. After dinner, we went to her sister's in law's place for some refreshments, and got into Chicago around 11pm. We were staying at her parents' house in the Edgewater section of Chicago. Oddly enough, I RECOGNIZED THIS PLACE. I drive right past their house to get on the highway to leave Chicago back in October. What a coincidence! And crazy that I even noticed.

Day 9
Today morning, I went with Becky's mom to the Salvation Army where she donated a bunch of stuff. I bought a bathing suit that I will need later in the week (^_^). We spent most of the day waiting for Becky's sister to come down with her family. When we got there, we took the L down to Macy's downtown that is famous for its Walnut Room that has a huge tree. We went there for dessert, then back to her parents'. Becky went out with her sister, and I just stayed in with the kids.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Post Christmas

Friday we played the kids' board games all day. Pikturika is lots of fun!

Saturday, Becky and I went to the local mall and just hung out for a bit. Afterwards, went back to the big steep hill for some more sledding. My butt is all bruised up now. Ouch! At night, Becky, Alex (neighbor's godson), and I went bar hopping for a bit.

Today........................ MILWAUKEE THEN CHICAGO!!! Can't wait =D

Friday, December 25, 2009

Day 4
On Wednesday, we were supposed to go to a museum in Milwaukee to see the Warhol exhibit there, but got snowed in. Spent the day with the kids instead. We watched YouTube videos for hours. The kids' friend came over for a sleepover and we made some peanut butter cookies.

Day 5
We were baking Christmas sugar cookies for Santa. In the oven, some sugar cookies fell off the pan, onto the coils, and started a small fire. We managed to put it out with baking soda, then finished the cookies. Afterwards, we decorated them into all cool designs. The kids got a bit carried away, and some of them looked really awesome! We also shoved a 3D snowman in there, but he melted. L'sad.

We went to Becky's friend's (Naomi) house. She's an awesome cook as I had been hearing for the past week. We hung out there for a few hours for some linner (lunch-dinner), then came back. The family went to church, and when they got back, Brett's brother came over and the family we went sledding with Monday morning. We had some drinks and then went to bed.

Day 6
CHRISTMAS MORNING!! The kids got tons of awesome gifts. I didn't expect to get anything, but I got a gift card from Becky and Brett. Also got a take-apart-eraser, which is meant to be said as one fast word. The kids love those things, and already have at least 30 of them! Now I do too!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Liking Madison....

Day 2

We got up early, and went out sledding in the snow with Becky's 3 kids, Ma (10), Au (8), and Ai (6). Some of Becky's neighbors went as well, and then we did that for a while so that Becky could get some chores done at home. Afterwards, we took the kids to the dentist, then went shopping.

After the dentist, we met Becky's sister and her family again in downtown Madison. After walking around for a bit, we had some dinner, and went back home. Some more of Becky's neighbors came over, and their godson who's my age. We talked for a bit, and he said he might be able to show me around a bit as well. That'd be cool. He has a car.

Day 3

There was even more snow on the ground. I went to go play in the snow with the kids, and I let them bury me under a big pile of snow. Meanwhile, Becky and her husband, Brett, went to do some more Christmas shopping. After we got sick of the snow, we started watching a Disney movie, and one of Ai's classmates stopped by for a play date, so she watched with us.

After lunch we all went sledding again, this time on a TALLER STEEPER hill. I overheard someone say that tomorrow there will be a blizzard. Great......... considering there's already over 2 feet on the ground!

At night, Becky and I went to this karaoke thing at a bar that has a live band, that is just sooo much fun to watch. I chose to sing Sugartown by Nancy Sinatra because of the movie
(500) Days of Summer, where the main character sang it. She was from the Midwest, so I vowed if I ever went to the Midwest, I'D SING THAT SONG! Unfortunately when I got up on stage, it turned out they DIDN'T EVEN KNOW IT, even though they picked their own songbook, which that song was on. I sang a bit to them and they decided to wing it, and it sounded quite good, but I was all confused by the arrangement, and it sounded more like Sugartown (Chopped'n'Screwed Remix). Everyone who sang gets a free drink, woot!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Midwest Adventure Day 1

Well…. Day 1 of my post-graduate Midwest Adventure has commenced. Everyone's been looking at me weird for choosing Wisconsin, but personally I see no issues with it. Sure, it's cold this time of year. But 20 inches of snow just fell over my development, so I don't think my parents have a right to talk now about running off to a cold state. They gave me the same looks and criticisms when I told them I was going to Tennessee or West Virginia, and I've had amazing memorable experiences in both.

So let's start at the beginning. This morning I woke up to aforementioned 20 inches of snow on my driveway that my dad and I had to plow out. It's a good thing my dad drives what can almost be called a tank. We got to the airport with plenty of time to spare. All the flights around me were being delayed or cancelled, so I was so worried. My plane didn't even arrive to my terminal til 5 minutes before boarding for us, and the other people still had to get off the plane. Regardless, we left on time, and my layover in Chicago was no more stressful.

My host, Becky, picked me up from the airport and took me to her house where they were having a Christmas party. I originally was going to come the 21st, but she said it would be fun to come, so I did. She was super nice, and so was her family. They did that thing where families go in a circle unwrapping one gift at a time, except they didn't do it in a circle, they did it by youngest to oldest. I'm sure to some people that's pretty standard, but for me as a Jew, it was pretty interesting to watch. Since there was about 20-30 of them, it took quite a bit.

Afterwards, the party died down a bit, some people left, and we spent some time talking about travels and other stuff with Becky and a few of her family members. She has 3 kids, and they're all really sweet. She has some adventures planned, I'm sure! I can't wait to get out and see more of this state!!

Sunday, December 13, 2009


Wednesday, mom and I flew out to Las Vegas!! We got a pretty good deal staying at Bally's. We had a good 4 days together overall, but with so much bickering I realize why it's not possible for me to stay at home any longer.

Wednesday, we took our first walk down Las Vegas Boulevard, stopped by the famous Gold and Silver Pawn Shop on the History Channel. Then we went and got delicious Ethiopian for dinner.

On Thursday, we went to the West Rim of the Grand Canyon. It was simply breath taking! I took a lot of amazing pictures on the sides of edges. Mom almost had several heart attacks and kept begging me to come down from ledges. At night we went to Paris Hotel, and went to the top of the Eiffel Tower.

Friday we walked around a few hotels, and then had dinner at P. F. Chang's. After dinner, we went to see Cirque du Soleil's KA. The show was phenomenal! Really beautiful and well done.

Saturday walked around a ton of casinos we hadn't covered yet. Mom gambled a ton and after a week of losing, she made a +$400 after 2 hours at the tables. I gambled $2, lost them both. Oh well, gambling's not my game and I've never been much interested in it.

Saturday night we flew back and arrived today morning in Philly.

Hotel/Casinos I checked out: Bally's, Paris, Planet Hollywood, MGM Grand, Bellagio, Caesar's Palace, Rio, Wynn, Treasure Island, The Mirage, Flamingo, New York New York (rode the roller coaster!!), Luxor, and Mandalay Bay.
Overall a success!!

Finals coming up this week... Gotta finish a bunch of essays too.

P.S. I got a twitter! Follow me~

Saturday, December 5, 2009


This month...
1 day of classes left to attend
1 class presentation left to present
2 final papers left to complete
2 final exams left to take
1 school left to graduate from
1 job left to get

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

December =D

November is FINALLY OVER!!! And December is here =D YAY!!!

December is the month in which I nail my senior portrait (today 1:45pm!!)
December is the month in which I finish all my super long papers x.X
December is the month in which I finish my last Temple classes EVER!
December is the month in which I have a bunch of really awesome job interviews and nail them, getting a great job (please!)
December is the month in which I see my best friend when she gets back from Wales =D
December is the month in which I celebrate Christmahanukwanzaa.
December is the month in which I go to Vegas and the Grand Canyon for the first time =)
December is the month in which my anchor (breast reduction) scars heal, and I no longer have a hole the size of a dime in my stitches.
December is the month in which I will finally breathe easy realizing I am not *complete* failure and things will be all right.