Thursday, July 31, 2008


I went to orientation on Tuesday.... a few things were cleared up, but over all I already knew most of that stuff.

A met a bunch of people who'll be staying at the Akasaka dorm, and they seem like cool people. We're gonna have a crazy time. =D

Made a fb group for us.

Also, I paid for my fall semester =)

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


Yesterday, the office released a participants list, which had a bunch of us emailing each other questions back and forth until someone made a facebook group just for us. ^_^

It's right here:

And also, I found another general one for this Fall, because the other one is supposed to be just for us study abroad kids:

So, it's really cool to know that there are gonna be people there from all ove the country, and not just Temple. Actually, off a 75 people participant's list, only about 30 were from school.

I've already talked to a bunch of these people, and even found a new buddy to take the flight to Japan with Joyce and I from Dulles to Narita!!! This is so much more exciting =D