Tuesday, June 17, 2008


It took longer than I thought, but I got the scholarship from TUJ. Joyce did as well. Wooo!! That puts me right at the mark for my budget.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

New checklist

As of now, here's all I have done:

+ Apply for and get accepted to TUJ
+ Send in FAFSA.
+ Certificate of Eligibility
+ Scholarship applications (if applying for any of these, keep an eye out for deadlines)
+ Temple Japan Scholarship {max $5,000}
_ Student Visa
+ Plane Ticket
_ Pay Tuition (already paid the $200 deposit)
+ Housing (I couldn't choose it yet, but I applied)

_ Pay Housing (already paid the $200 deposit)
+Pick Classes
+ Risk and Release form
+ Health Information and Emergency Contact Info form

_ Get Textbooks (can do after picking classes)
_ Life insurance (you have to get a Japanese one to go to TUJ)
+ Find cheap cellphone
_ Get supplies you can't get in Japan (such as a stock of perscription contacts, stronger medicine cause in Asia the doses are weaker, and deodorant because someone told me they don't sell under-arm deodorant in Japan because they don't sweat as much)
_ Get cheapest local transportation deals
_ Pack Luggage

Registered classes

A couple weeks ago, we received the classes for fall in Japan. I've been waiting for this sooo long!!

These are the classes I've chosen:
Intro to East Asia: Japan (MWF 10-11)
Japanese Advanced I (MWF 2:10-3:10)
Intellectual Heritage II (MWF 4:50-5:50)
Japan in a Changing World Order (TR 3:50-5:20)
International Politics (TR 5:30-7:00)