Monday, December 28, 2009


Day 8
Sunday morning, we woke up bright and early, but we weren't packed and out of the house til about 1pm. It's a little difficult with the kids too. So Becky, the kids, and I set off for Chicago via Milwaukee.

In Milwaukee we stopped at the Milwaukee Art Museum. The building (click here) itself is stunning, and has wings that open and close at various times of the day. We went there to see the Warhol exhibit, where they were showcasing his non-commercial stuff. I really loved his stuff, and rest of the museum had great pieces as well.

After that, we continued on and arrived in Highland Park, IL around 6pm. Every year, Becky and her family go to Fuddruckers in Highland Park for dinner. It was a bit awkward at first, but I'd met a lot of the family members before, so it was ok. After dinner, we went to her sister's in law's place for some refreshments, and got into Chicago around 11pm. We were staying at her parents' house in the Edgewater section of Chicago. Oddly enough, I RECOGNIZED THIS PLACE. I drive right past their house to get on the highway to leave Chicago back in October. What a coincidence! And crazy that I even noticed.

Day 9
Today morning, I went with Becky's mom to the Salvation Army where she donated a bunch of stuff. I bought a bathing suit that I will need later in the week (^_^). We spent most of the day waiting for Becky's sister to come down with her family. When we got there, we took the L down to Macy's downtown that is famous for its Walnut Room that has a huge tree. We went there for dessert, then back to her parents'. Becky went out with her sister, and I just stayed in with the kids.

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